Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy December!!!

I am so far behind on everything that has to do with Christmas. Our Vegas trip was fun. We did a lot of "touristy" things. Football in Vegas was okay. But now that I am back and Christmas is fast approaching I am way, way behind. I am hoping we can get a tree and put it up tonight. I have actually talked my husband into a real tree this year. Woo hoo!!! I need to bake, bake, bake this weekend. I am afraid, will be store bought cards this year for sad. :(.

There is one thing that I did get done in a fairly timely fashion though. I am involved in a closed swap on SCS. And, I am participating in the a Secret Santa gift exchange within that swap. We had a dollar limit on what to spend. So I made several hand made items for the recipient of my package. One of the items I made were Christmas bows. The tutorial is on SCS and they super easy to make and not very time consuming!!! I think they are very pretty and I hope the wonderful sister receiving them can use them on some of her Christmas packages.

Have a wonderful week and a terrific holiday season!!!


  1. Oh, lil' dj... they are so pretty! You are so sweet to make them for ME! ;)

  2. Your own bows.....holy smokes! Lil Miss Crafty! LOL They turned out great.

  3. wowww..these are awesome looking lil dj!!!*tfs*
    How wonder how long it would take to get to Canada from Alaska! *wink*:o)

  4. Cute, cute, cute cards....pfffffttt Jeanette and Sweet know they are for you are just trying to get them...They really are pretty and I am sure whoever they are for will really, really love them...

  5. OMGOsh, your comments have me rolling! LOL!! These came out DARLING, and I can't believe you had time to make them - you go girl! Super duper sweet and a perfect idea for a lil dj touch on your ss gift! xoxo
