Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Calendar Girls August Challenge

Our challenge this month, from Paola, was....

Hello Calendar Girls ♥
for the month of August, I would like to challenge everyone to embrace the PUNCH ART tecnique...yup, dust off your punches Ladies!
Please feel free to use a stamped sentiment of your choice , but the main focus is being creative, using punches .

My card is very simple as once again the 28th caught me by surprise.  I saw this design on SCS several years ago and wanted to reproduce it for this challenge because I really like the simplicity of it and it could be used for any occasion.

Thanks for stopping by.  Please see my sidebar for all the Calendars Girls blogs and check out their creations.


  1. Oh my--what a pretty card Debbie! I love the layout and I sure will use this in the future!

  2. Deb, your card is so pretty! Love the bold yellow on the softer blue... and what a nice DP that blue is!

  3. Aw, this is so sweet! What a beautiful and versatile image, one that will bring cheer all the year through! Missing you in the threads and hearing all about you :)

  4. Oh the offset flower looks so good. It is perfect with that DP, which I really like! The colors enhance the layout. Great job on this one!

  5. the simple look of your CAS card...fabulous use of punches and so versatile for any occasion!
    Thank YOU for embracing the punch art challenge with such gusto Debbie!! xox ♥ :)
